Sorbus 'Rubinovaja' - large-fruited rowan

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1.5 kg
  • One of the most interesting hybrids of the common rowan is characterized by dark red - ruby red, juicy fruits that are sweet when fresh - the bitterness typical of other varieties is imperceptible. 
  • The tree grows very quickly in the first years, but its growth slows down just as quickly after reaching 3-4 meters, which is approximately the height of the tree's maximum height. 
  • It has a wide, spherical crown that bends under the weight of the fruits in late summer and autumn.

    Fruits are an excellent material for preserves, they can also be eaten raw, as they have a sweet taste.
  • The requirements of this variety match those of the whooping crane, it is best suited to fertile, sufficiently moist soil without long periods of drought. 
  • As a garden tree, 'Rubinovaya' combines the properties of an ornamental and fruit plant. 
  • It can be combined with other fruit-bearing rowan varieties as well as strictly ornamental varieties.