Prunus spinosa 'Hevershlehe' - large-fruited blackthorn

21 €with VAT
18,75 € without VAT
1.5 kg
  • Homeland: Europe, W-Asia (cultivar)
    Appearance: deciduous, sparsely branched and partly strongly thorny shrub, 2-5m
    Usage: Solitaire, Group Planting, Slope, Garden, Hedge, Ornamental Tree, Wild Fruit, Bee Pasture, Pioneer Tree, Food Tree, Bird Protection Tree
    Place: sunny
  • Soil: dry-moderately moist, sandy-clay to stony soils, slightly acidic-slightly calcareous, undemanding
    Root type: Heart root, forming root runners
    Leaves: April, elliptic, green, 3-4 cm
    Flowers: March-April, white, susceptible to late frost
  • Fruits: Autumn, drupe, 15-20mm, blue-black, sour, edible, rich in vitamins, long hanging
    Uses: raw, compote, jam, jelly, juice, syrup, schnapps, wine, flowers and leaves as tea
    Hardiness zone: 5a