Eucalyptus subcrenulata - hardy persimmon

32,30 €with VAT 38 €
-15 %
28,84 € without VAT
2 kg
  • It grows in Australia in the form of a tree.
  • It grows up to 18m high.
  • The bark is smooth, grey to white or yellow-green. Leaves on young specimens are obtuse, sessile or shortly petiolate, slightly ovate to round, green, serrated; on mature plants they are alternate, lanceolate, pointed and the petioles are 1.5-2.5cm long.
  • The inflorescence is a 3-parted perianth on a 2 - 6mm peduncle, the flowers themselves have a maximum 2mm peduncle, the cap is 1/2 round to conical, 3 - 4mm long and 4 - 5mm wide.
  • Fruits are 1/2 round to bell-shaped, sessile, 5 - 8mm long and wide.
    Selling plant 40-50cm tall