Eucalyptus parvula - small-leaved gum

32,30 €with VAT 38 €
-15 %
28,84 € without VAT
  • Evergreen tree to (9-15 m) tall, similar spread; young stems red on sunny side.  Bark smooth, gray, gray-green and sometimes pink.  Juvenile leaves opposite, elliptic, about 2.5 cm long, sessile (lack petioles), blue-green; adult subopposite, opposite, lanceolate, leaves about 6 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide, petiole more or less flattened, 2-6 cm.  Flowers white, in clusters (umbels) axillary, buds ovoid.  Fruit about 3-4 mm wide and long.
  • Sun, drought tolerant, good desert tree.  Branches to the ground, good as wind break or screen.
  • Hardy to USDA Zone 7    
  • Native to Australia, New South Wales, reportedly highly endangered in its native habitat.