Asimina triloba ´Rappahannock´ - paw-paw (indian banane) NEWS

47,05 €with VAT
42,01 € without VAT
  • Rappahannock is characterized by medium-sized fruits with firm flesh and few seeds (approximately 7% by weight).
  • It has a great pulp to seed ratio.
  • The fruits have a constant size and symmetrical shape.
  • The fruits are fully ripe with a yellowish tinge at the time of harvest.
  • The taste of the pulp is very pleasant and very sweet, with a pleasant, long-lasting aftertaste.
  • This tree has an unusual leaf habit where the leaf is held horizontally to upright, making the fruits more visible under the crown of the leaves.
  • Planting of the second variety is necessary for high-quality pollination of the flowers.