Akebia quinata ´Alba´ - five-fold akebia

13,60 €with VAT 16 €
-15 %
12,14 € without VAT
  • Akebia quinata 'Alba' is a semi-deciduous vine from the family Lardizabalaceae and the genus Akebia. 
  • It grows to a height of 4-6 m and its annual increment can be up to 2 m. 
  • The leaves are five-fold, palmately composed of smaller elliptical leaflets, and the whole leaf thus resembles a child's palm. 
  • Their color is dark green above and lighter below. 
  • During April and May, small white flowers bloom in grape-like inflorescences, which are very intensely fragrant. 
  • Edible fruits resembling a cucumber in shape ripen in September to October. In our conditions, however, it is created only sporadically.